Conditions may vary depending on the company you work for. Maximum discounts for you are directly indicated on the wallet card registered for your company.
Use the hints below or call us at +995 32 2 23 53 23, we'll gladly guide you through all the steps.
When processing Trade-in
When purchasing a gift card
When paying for purchases in installments.
Each product on the receipt will have its own fixed discount allocated.
You can use the fixed discount for any number of items in the store and on the iSpace website, according to the conditions specified for your company and reflected in your Wallet card.
They cannot.
Attention! Always choose the most advantageous option for you (promotion, seasonal offer, or fixed discount); the corporate discount is calculated from the full product price.
Contact your personal manager, a consultant in the store, or on the iSpace website. Your request will be promptly resolved.